Monday, July 21, 2014

I'm Back! // Marathon Training 2.0 is Underway!

No, I didn't die. I'm just horrifically bad at blogging when life keeps me so darn busy.

Let's see here...where to begin? I think I've found my running mojo/selfconfidence/whatever back. It's nice to feel motivated to get out there again. Well, to get out there and not quit once the pain hits. And when you have lost the endurance you kicked so much butt to develop - it's tough. Hurting after mile one is a giant punch directly in the ovary.

So far I'm in week #3. (ALREADY?!) Week 1 with the training group felt like the first day of class. Awkward. I didn't know anyone. I had the choice between a 6 mile run or an 8 mile run. I knew I should do the 8 but I wanted to fall back on the 6. Nope - powered through and did the 8. SO glad I did. Week 2 - well. It rained. Not just rained. But epically friggin' downpoured. So, I missed the group run. Some really brave souls made it out and did the course as outlined. I'm a pansy and simply didn't want to get hurt due to me slipping and falling. No worries, I got my 9 mile run in later in the day. Yeah, right when the humidity was juuuust high enough to be miserable.

Today's run was simply opressive. Anyone in Georgia for the summer will understand. It wasn't the heat. It was the humidity and dew point. UGH. But, I got out there and got it done. One more check box off of the training schedule. Tomorrow it's 6 miles with the lovely Meg. YAY!

So far, so good. I don't hurt while walking up the stairs and I'm taking things nice and easy. Not going to pressure myself into success.... #savannah2014

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