This should be rather easy. The scale is already put away and I have no interest in seeing where I’m starting the year off. I’m instead taking weekly “progress photos” which will be a much better indicator of progress than some bastard number on a scale.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
How I'm Gonna Make It Happen
This should be rather easy. The scale is already put away and I have no interest in seeing where I’m starting the year off. I’m instead taking weekly “progress photos” which will be a much better indicator of progress than some bastard number on a scale.
Friday, December 26, 2014
What Do I resolve to do in 2015?
Here's a list of what I know:
- I ran a marathon this year.
- I have become much stronger through not only running but weight lifting and various cross training such as Barre and Yoga.
- I have improved my overall endurance from not being able to run .25 of a mile when I first started to being able to run lots without stopping.
- Running/sweating/lifting weights makes me feel GREAT.
So, this year, I've decided to do something incredibly positive. I have resolved to not weigh myself in 2015.
That's right - you heard me (well, kinda). I've put my scale away (the boo thang uses it) and it is out of sight and somewhat out of mind. I'm tired of the ridiculous bullshit I put myself through mentally and physically because of a number that should have nothing to do with my actual health.
I do the right things. I eat well, I exercise hard. I like to drink beer and have cake and that's absolutely okay. I'm not going to continue down this ridiculous path. If I eat something salty, the next day the scale is like "OH HAI, SHAMOO. WHERE YA BEEN?" And why should I allow some sort of horrific punishment for indulging? It's not like I wont drink a gallon of water the next day and add in some more reps to make up for it. Shit.
Long story short, THE SCALE IT OUT. I'm not going to say "no more sweets" because I really like sweets. I'm not going to say "no more carbs" because that's truly dangerous to everyone. I'm simply going to say "no more scale" because truthfully, it's proven to be the most dangerous to my health.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Oh, yeah. I ran a marathon!
I'm not dead. I didn't die after week #5 of training. I made it through all of the training and rocked my marathon! Well, by rocked I mean I finished and I had a great experience. I wont share my finishing time not because I'm embarrassed but because it simply doesn't matter. This race wasn't about finishing times or trying to prove that my speed is superior. I had a wonderful time and couldn't have really gone any better. I never hit The Wall where I questioned my sanity as to why I made this decision. I never felt like quitting. I never stopped smiling. That's really what matters the most for me. I did it. I accomplished this huge thing that I never thought I could until I did.
At the end I cried big, ugly tears. They gave me my medal, took my picture and I was off. It was like this dream had just happened. Totally in la la land for at least a day after. The recovery wasn't too bad and I'm moderately considering running another one in a couple years. For now...the goals change and the work continues.
The 2015 goal is to run every race in the Atlanta Track Club Grand Prix Series. Totally doable and most of them are free since I'm a member. Shorter distances and a faster pace. Let's see where this train goes!
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
I Hate Roller Coasters / Marathon Training Week #5
And as much as I hate roller coasters, I was like "omg I should totally run a marathon! What an awesome goal!" (Okay look - I count on you people to keep me from making ridiculous, irrational decisions. Ya messed up.)
Marathon training is, by far, the biggest roller coaster I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of being on. I can't tell you how many different emotions I feel towards it one day. Literally. Excited. Nervous. Scared. Pumped up. Let down. All of it. In one big tornado of fun.
Here's to hoping that it all kinda calms down as I get further into training. It didn't help that I had an awful experience at my group run week before last. In short: I didn't have a coach with me, I got lost, finished last as they were packing up the truck and was then told that I had a map and a cell phone so it was my own fault for getting lost. Thanks for that kick in the face, bro. I left feeling absolutely deflated and feeling like I could have saved my $85 and ran for free, by myself. I don't need to pay money to feel bad about myself.
Thankfully, Meg came to my rescue and ran my long run with me on Saturday so I didn't have to run with those folks. It was a wonderful 11 miles! I was pretty sore the day after but it was much better than running alone and feeling like a total loser.
I'm going to give the group one more go this week. If I'm not feeling like it's going to be a good place for me to continue my journey to the marathon, then I'll be asking for a partial refund and I'll continue to train on my own and with friends as their schedules allow.
So - there's the roller coaster of the day. BANANAS. But - all in all - not bad. Just gotta keep on running. AH!
Monday, July 21, 2014
I'm Back! // Marathon Training 2.0 is Underway!
Let's see here...where to begin? I think I've found my running mojo/selfconfidence/whatever back. It's nice to feel motivated to get out there again. Well, to get out there and not quit once the pain hits. And when you have lost the endurance you kicked so much butt to develop - it's tough. Hurting after mile one is a giant punch directly in the ovary.
So far I'm in week #3. (ALREADY?!) Week 1 with the training group felt like the first day of class. Awkward. I didn't know anyone. I had the choice between a 6 mile run or an 8 mile run. I knew I should do the 8 but I wanted to fall back on the 6. Nope - powered through and did the 8. SO glad I did. Week 2 - well. It rained. Not just rained. But epically friggin' downpoured. So, I missed the group run. Some really brave souls made it out and did the course as outlined. I'm a pansy and simply didn't want to get hurt due to me slipping and falling. No worries, I got my 9 mile run in later in the day. Yeah, right when the humidity was juuuust high enough to be miserable.
Today's run was simply opressive. Anyone in Georgia for the summer will understand. It wasn't the heat. It was the humidity and dew point. UGH. But, I got out there and got it done. One more check box off of the training schedule. Tomorrow it's 6 miles with the lovely Meg. YAY!
So far, so good. I don't hurt while walking up the stairs and I'm taking things nice and easy. Not going to pressure myself into success.... #savannah2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Things I'm Loving Tuesday?
Considering I'm working on improving my overall health by attempting (and currently succeeding!) at eating for my blood type, this site is simply perfect. According to my blood type (O Positive), my diet is basically that of Paleo. No carbs. No Dairy. This website has an array of delicious and creative ways to mix things up a bit. Most recipies are super easy to make and don't take a lot of prep. - 10+ Reasons I love my Ugly Body
I don't think I can "like" this enough. Roni recently posted about women's health magazines and the real effects that they may have on society as a whole. I commented and was quoted in the blog post (omg quick write something worthwhile in case anyone clicks the link to my blog...). It reminded me very much of this article and how much I love it. It's not what anyone looks like on the cover of a magazine or what we assume other people think beauty is. It's how freaking awesome our bodies are for what they can do. Huzzah! - GIANT PANCAKE VIA RICE COOKER
I don't have anything to say about this. Just yes. All of it. And please add all the other things I'm avoiding kthanks. - My new Garmin Forerunner 220
Having a new Garmin means all new PR's! My garmin connect has all my old records but the watch itself has all new every time I complete a run I get a new record for longest run! And really, what makes you feel better than knowing you've ran further than before? Not to mention the watch is filled with bells and whistles that are incredibly helpful. OH! And the battery life? WAY better. CHECK.
**Garmin still hasn't accepted my request to be a sponsored runner. Something about I drink too much wine and I don't run fast enough. Anyway, they didn't pay me to write this. All opinions are my own. - How to insert the number "6" into my boyfriend's Son's birthday cake
So - I've been on Pinterest. I think I may really have a problem. I've got to remove the app from my phone...but I just can't bring myself to do it. Today I actually found something useful. My boyfriend's son turns six soon! Hooray! And I found this link that gives instructions on how to insert numbers/shapes/letters/whatever into the cake so that when you slice it, the number shows! AMAZING. So, like the amazon whore I am, I ordered the numbers cut out set and will do a test run as soon as it gets here! Hooray!
Need some random photos? Follow me on Instagram
Need to know what I'm up to on the reg? Follow all the Tweets
Friday, June 13, 2014
Five Days Down - Twenty Five to Go
A lot of things that I love are out. And a lot of things I prefer not to eat are in. According to this book, I'm basically supposed to shift to what's very similar to a Paleo diet. No dairy. No Wheat/Carbs. No potatoes. No avocados. My heart is literally empty.
But five days in and I can say I've made it. The hardest part is having to literally think before putting any food in my mouth. I've had some slip ups (namely: skittles). But no dairy or carbs or anything like that. I do feel better and my tummy is no longer screaming at me. The flat belly feeling you have when you wake up first thing in the morning? I have that all day. It's kinda nice. I haven't weighed myself so I don't really know if there's improvement there. I'll let you know after a full week or maybe 2.
What it really boils down to is this: I can't live my life eating cheese and bread and such. I desperately need to expand my food horizon and this is a great way to do it. If I'm going to not be hungry I'm going to have to learn to love other veggies and such. Either that or I'll starve - and we all know that simply isn't happening.
Food journals are super easy when you're not eating carbs or dairy. Everything you're allowed to eat is mega low calorie so days like today I didn't even bother. I know I was at my weight loss calorie intake amount. And I'm not hungry. I'm not painfully full either. Content - nourished.
I just have to keep repeating: I eat for nourishment not for reward or comfort.
I had to have The Why Talk
Anyhoover, last night I had to have a very strong “why” discussion with myself. As I mentioned before, I’m attempting to “eat right for my type” which cuts out a lot of things from my diet that I thoroughly enjoy. Avacados…gluten…dairy. Basically, I’m left with meat and veggies and most fruits. I grilled organic steaks and burgers and sausages. All of these things I’m allowed to eat (plain, of course). But…there was also Mac and Cheese and French Fries.
I had a bad day. And let me tell you about what happens when I have bad days. I eat. A lot. And I eat everything. Food is (and always has been) synonymous with comfort for me. So. I had the talk with myself. “I am doing this because I have a weight loss goal. I have a fitness goal. I want to sleep better and have a better functioning body. Some of these things simply aren’t good for me and should not be a part of me because they’re only going to make me feel bad.”
I didn’t eat the Mac and Cheese or the French Fries. It felt like a victory. Me:1 Food: 0. I ate my meat and snow peas and was left feeling satisfied and not needing anything else. I promised myself that I’d try this for 30 days to see if it helped. Maybe it will – maybe it won’t. The only thing that I can do is try. And now that I’m 5 days in, I can say I slept better last night and my tummy has been much happier.
But gosh do I miss cheese.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Feeling Some Kinda Way...
- I got a fancy new Garmin for my birthday on Saturday. Specifically, the Garmin Forerunner 220. It's amazing. And purple. I cannot wait to run tomorrow and see how much faster this bad boy makes me... oh... That's not how it works? Crap.
- I donate blood to the American Red Cross 4 times a year. They finally got around to sending me my donor card with my blood type on it. (I'm O Positive!) I've been doing a good bit of research on Eating for your Blood Type and apparently there are thousands of people who have seen dramatic result from eating specific things and avoiding specific things based on what their ancestors with that blood types ate. IE Don't eat things that you ancestors didn't have access to. O Positive people apparently have slow metabolisms, slowly functioning thyroids and are predisposed to obesity. HOORAY! Oh what's better? Everything I like to eat are things that I'm not supposed to eat. Carbs. Dairy. Avacados. CRAP. So. I'm going to give it a whirl and see how it goes. This weekend was filled with a buuuunch of stuff a good, healthy person shouldn't eat anyway in preparation for tomorrow's Day 1. I'll keep ya posted.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Running Group Success
As usual, I got really nervous before we started. I’m still not over my fear that I won’t be good enough or I’ll slow the group down. Once we got started, the first mile was brutal. I don’t know why mile 1 is always such a crappy 11 minutes of my life but it is. The beauty of this group is that there are so many volunteer coaches that no matter what pace you’re going at, you have a coach with you. This week I was with one other girl who was running and then two coaches were with us. Susie, the coach I talked to the most, is 62 and has been running for 5 years. She has completed 4 marathons and is amazing. Throughout the entire run she was so nice and talkative and encouraging. She and the other coach that was with us routinely told us how great we were doing and kept our spirits up.
This is exactly what I was hoping to get from this. It makes me so excited to be doing my long runs for marathon training with them. I’ll need all the help and support that I can get during the super long runs.
In other news, my Visalus shakes are going pretty well. Due to some poor eating choices over the weekend, I’m not really sure if they’re effective or not yet. I’ll give you a full report at the end of the week. The protein powder is much tastier than others. It’s also a lot easier to add things to it and blend. I’ve added both veggies and fruit to it and it’s been wonderful. It’s something I’d probably purchase again.
I hope everyone has had a wonderful week thus far and I’ll catch up with you this weekend from the BEACH!
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
WHAM! (said the scale)
Let's see...oh! Group run last week! Super awesome. Was very pleased with getting to run with a group of people who weren't judgmental or mean. Just there at different levels and wanting to run. I'm honestly looking forward to going back again this Saturday! It was a short (about 3 miles) course but it had some killer hills. I know I'll for sure get my money's worth. There are coaches with every "group" so each pace has someone there cheering them on and talking the whole way. I love it. And they stress so much that time doesn't matter. Maybe if I hear it enough, it'll sink in ;)
And now some photos to capture the week...
Friday, May 2, 2014
The Quote that Let me Know I Wasn't Alone
I was reading articles on CNN Health and came across this one. It's about a guy who was faced with cancer and had his health taken away from him. Now that he's cancer free, he's making a giant come back. Truly an inspiring article.
One thing in particular that stood out for me was this quote:
Exercise isn't new to me. It's something I used to thrive on. Training for a triathlon isn't even new to me. I had a regimen before. I'd swim in the mornings before work. Saturdays were my big workout days. If I wasn't doing a big run or ride, I'd take a spin class and jump right on the treadmill after and run 4 miles. Interestingly enough, that doesn't make it any easier. It's often more frustrating. Not being able to do what you used to do sometimes makes you not want to do it at all. It's a constant fight I have with myself. Trying to push through one barrier only to be stopped at the next makes me feel helpless.It's like the sun just started shining again. This is exactly how I still feel today. I look back on my old mile times and I can't help but be sad and beat myself up. Why can't I run like I did before? What's keeping me from going as fast? Why can't I run 13 miles without stopping like I used to? Why haven't I lost any of this weight like I did a couple years ago? And let me tell you - it's exhausting.
It's exhausting to train. It's exhausting to constantly analyze and wonder and think and try to fix whatever problem you think you have that is preventing you from being what you once were. I haven't aged a decade. I don't smoke. I drink too much wine but the intake is about the same as it used to be. I can't figure out why I can't get to where I was. We're talking 8min miles vs 11min miles here folks. Absolutely frustrating.
And as a result, the motivation is uneven. Some days are just a bare to get out for a walk and others I wish I could run for miles and miles and miles. I miss the constant motivation and the will to do better and run faster. Instead, I'm faced with constantly battling the "why bother?" thoughts.
It's nice to know that maybe I'm not as crazy as I thought I was (or that he's just as crazy). I highly suggest you read the article - great story and a great outcome!
Atlanta Marathon CANCELLED
I was immediately very upset and even texted the handsome man that clearly this was a sign that 26.2 just isn’t for me. Nashville fell through and now Atlanta just wasn’t even an option. At some point a person just has to accept what the universe is trying to tell them, right?
The good news is this: I told the universe to suck it. They are allowing everyone who registered for the marathon to run the 10 miler AND transfer their marathon registration to either the Savannah Rock n Roll Marathon on November 8th or the Silver Comet Marathon which is on October 26th. I chose the savannah because it is F-L-A-T. I was lucky enough to be able to get a hotel down there still. So. My Marathon Dreams are not squashed, just postponed to the following weekend. I now get to run the 10miler with a friend of mine and I still get to get my triple peach medal. And let’s be clear – I am ONLY running the Peachtree Road Race to get my snazzy medal.
And truth be told, running the savannah is probably a blessing in disguise. Running my first 26.2 on a totally flat road without any humidity may be the best plan of action. Get my confidence up and then I can come home and tackle the hills that are Atlanta.
In other news…things are going pretty well. Nutrition is…so so. Getting my perception of food and what I’m eating is going better. Not perfect and not aiming for perfect, really. Just trying to make it through.
I’ve got the group training run on Saturday morning and then barre. Pretty excited to have a fun filled weekend in the sun!
Monday, April 28, 2014
Nothing to see here, folks...
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Keeping it Simple
This past week I've kept up with my morning veggie/fruit smoothies. Simple. Come downstairs after getting ready for work, throw a bunch of stuff in my Nutribullet, blend and go! Lots of nutrients, low calorie and a good choice to start the day. Simple.
I've lowered the amount of time that I'm spending at the gym. I'm running fewer miles and making each mile worth it. Starting over, so to speak. I can run longer distances but I'm attempting to change the way my brain thinks about running and tackle my expectations. Hobbies are supposed to be fun. Running became something I resented. Running easy miles and rebuilding my confidence is helping it become fun again. Simple.
I joined two training programs that actually start one right after the other. The simple runs for the 10k are going to help me make more running friends and help me feel like I may not be the worst athlete in the world. I'll go to a specific meet up place, work with coaches and have fun while running. Simple.
I am making good, simple choices to lead me to where I want to be. I'm trying to decompress my brain and remember how fun this all used to be. Eating right, doing great things for my body and becoming a great athlete.
And now... some pictures. You should probably just follow me on Instagram so you can see them in real time :-)
Monday, April 21, 2014
Group Runs
I don't run with people for a really ridiculous reason. I get super embarrassed. Like...really bad. I'm my own worst enemy and hopefully these group runs will help! And if not...well. The money wasn't that bad and I know that I will have had tried.
Let's other news. HOLY BOSTON, BATMAN! So proud of everyone who ran today! I got chills watching MEB cross the finish line. Finally, an American win! USA! Home of the brave, y'all! One day maybe I'll be there running with the other 30,000 people.
Still going strong with my morning smoothies. Starting to get use to the taste/texture. Juicing has its perks but I'm hoping that this takes my nutrition to a different level.
Alright - off to get ready for bed. Early wake up call for some fitness types of things :) Have a great week, y'all!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
NutriBullet Day 3 and a Kick in the Butt
The only downside to living in Marietta now is that I don’t have access to a farmers market. There will be a local one that is hosted Saturday mornings starting in May though!. Can’t freaking wait. This is only about 10 minutes from my house and we all know how much I love supporting the local economy. Nothing beats fresh fruits and veggies grown in the rich southern soil and sun!
Today I woke up and weighed myself. I can’t decide if it was a mistake or just the motivation I needed for the morning to reconnect with my goals. Not looking for a number but the number was a reminder that I haven’t been doing as well as I should. So, as I’m writing this post and drinking my green smoothie I’m planning out my meals for the rest of the day and praying nothing happens in between to get me off track. Not going to lie – I have a goal weight for my birthday. I won’t share it. It’s nothing extreme. But it’s doable and something I’d like to prove to myself that I can do and do it right this time. I’ve been on a much better path as far as my relationship with food had gone. Now instead of maintaining I need to push myself to lose the weight and keep with my new found healthy habits of nutrition and not yoyo. Fingers Crossed! (Meanwhile we are celebrating a coworker’s birthday today and there are muffins AND cupcakes AND cake. FML.)
So excited for everyone who made it into the Chicago Marathon! Can’t wait to see you all succeed!! Maybe next year I’ll try to do it, also! For this year we’re going to keep it local. Best of luck, y’all!
**NutriBullet didn’t pay me any money….still.
What is your biggest bridge to cross when it comes to weight loss?
Do you have a game plan for your summer race series?
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Feelin' kinda photo heavy!
Anywhoo - an update in pictures!
Friday, April 11, 2014
Gearing up
I’m still trying to find a balance. A balance that will help me obtain my goals, make me feel good about what I’m doing for my body and NOT put me into the psycho obsessed with working out category. I’m strongly considering seeking out a running coach. And not a “oh well I ran cross country in high school and I totally ran a 7:30/mile the first time I ever ran” running coach. Because I’m not that person. I want someone who started off like me. Slow but motivated. Maybe I’ll look into that this weekend.
I’m gearing up for some gorgeous weather in Atlanta this weekend. I’m pretty sure that means some early mornings runs and a barre class and a yoga class sprinkled in….the rest of the days will be spent in my hammock in the sunshine with some cold lemonade and my kindle. Perfection.
I hope everyone had a great week and is going to have a fabulous weekend!
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
I’ve got several reviews that I need to write for y’all…Invigo Day Spa, Nufoot Mary Jane Slippers, and a bunch of Organic/All natural goodies that I’m trying in attempt to satisfy my need to snack and my need to eat clean.
While I haven’t been blogging, I have been doing a lot of writing. There’s just a lot of stuff that I don’t really think needs to be published on the internet…ha! Trust when I say I’ve been doing my best to keep up with my clean eating April challenge. It hasn’t been perfect. But I’m being conscious of the things I’m eating (even if it happens to be a lot…)
I was able to get to Barre again on Saturday. It was a sub this time and I didn’t quite like her as much. She had never taught the class before so it wasn’t as smooth as the previous week. She was gorgeous though. She was incredibly fit and toned in a pretty way – not in a “Are you a man or a woman I can’t tell” way. No offence to the ladies out there who like the super huge muscles – it’s just not my cup of tea. Anyway, due to her amazing level of fitness, I felt like she was disconnected with the athletic abilities of the class. And as a result was asking us to do things that
Yoga Sunday was pretty decent. Again, another sub. Can you tell it’s spring break for the kids where I live? These instructors are taking their kids to do fun family things leaving me in the dark for my fitness goals – GOSH! HA!
Monday was “I’m in a really terrible mood so I’m going to sweat it out” day. I wanted to do spin at 5:30 and then my BFF was on board for our Monday night yoga at 8. So, I just left work and stayed at the gym until we were done with yoga at 9pm. WOO. An hour of spin, hour of weights and an hour of yoga. Feelin’ it today in the best way. Today is, clearly, a rest day.
Here’s to hoping you all have a Terrific Tuesday!
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Gorgeous Weather !
Yesterday a surprise nap got me and I did NOT get my lazy butt up to hit the pavement. Instead of going bonkers over it, I accepted it and moved on to today. I did a much better job with my clean eating and made it a point to run. I got home and immediately changed and headed out. I'm still running without looking at my Garmin. My pace during my runs is of no value to me right now. I'm running set distances but not at a set pace. I'm making sure that I can breathe and that I'm not burning myself out. Proper breathing. Good form. I want to feel good while I'm running and not kill myself. The speed and strength will come. This time around for my training I want to take it slow and steady. Training isn't a race - I'll get there.
I'm excited to have a solid mix of exercises to strengthen my running capacity. I'm definitely going to be doing Barre classes every Saturday morning. I've been making it to Yoga Sunday mornings and Monday evenings. I'm aiming to swim for cross training on Sundays. Spin on Monday and Friday mornings. Intervals with weights Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings. I'm excited. And this time - if I'm tired, I'll rest. I'm not an olympian, I haven't been running since I was a kid. Never did track. Never ran cross country. Not everyone progresses at the same time.
I am no longer comparing myself to anyone else. This is what is going to help me reach my goals. And I'm pretty excited about that.
Did you have an awesome workout today?
Has Spring finally made an appearance where you're at?
Monday, March 31, 2014
Spring Cleaning
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Self Magazine's Hot Water
You can see a snap shot of the article and read some of the back story here. Basically a woman named Monika Allen, who is battling cancer, was photographed wearing a tutu at a marathon last year. Self got a hold of the photo and reached out to her asking if they could use it in the magazine. When a nationally recognized magazine asks for your awesome picture - of course you say yes.
Well, unfortunately, they had malice intent. They used the photo to point out what they thought was "lame." Now...I don't know about you, but any woman who is running 26.2 miles is anything but lame.
It's not the fact that Monkia had (and has survived) cancer. It's not that she makes the tutu's for a charity. It's about the fact that they took another human being and humiliated her for no good reason. They failed as writers, editors and compassionate human beings. They diverted entirely away from their "do good" intent. And...that just makes my stomach turn.
They issued an apology. When I read it I got the feeling they were simply sorry they got caught. I've posted screen shots of both FB and Twitter.
My First Barre Class - Holy Smokes! - Review
I managed to find a great studio! Dance Stop Studios offers both traditional dance classes and fitness classes. The drop in rate for the Barre Classes is $10/class or you can buy 10 classes for $80.
When we walked in, the facility was gorgeous. Big, bright and clean. The woman at the front desk was super friendly and accommodating. She offered to let us take the class before we decided if we wanted to simply pay for the one class or if we wanted to take advantage of the 10 class value package. She offered us clean grippy socks to wear and directed us where to go.
When we walked in, the barre class studio was huge. The instructor was setting up our weights, straps, gliding pads and balls. The weights were only 3 pounds. Honestly, I was thinking to myself "How hard could this be?"
By the end of the hour long class, my legs and arms were screaming. I honestly can say that muscles were hurting that I didn't even realize I had. It was a great work out that went by fast. I can't wait to go back!
I definitely took advantage of the 10 for $80 deal! It's good for any fitness class at any time. The zumba classes are less expensive so you may not want to use it for that. Can't wait to go back next Saturday!
As for this Sunday, we're supposed to be experiencing some wonderful weather! I'm thinking a nice 10k and then some hammock and kindle time out on the back patio! I hope all of you have a fab rest of your weekend!!
Did you do any fun, new classes this week?
What's your fitness plan for today?
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Marathonfoto WIN
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Brooks Ravenna 5: Running Shoe Review
Don't get me wrong - they felt great at the store. They felt stable and firm. Unfortunately, that's exactly what ended up causing me so much pain. The shoes themselves were very light yet incredibly structured. They were pretty (come on - you know it matters!). I was pretty excited to be in a pair of what I saw to be "elite" shoes. All the super fast runners are in snazzy shoes like these.
Sadly, I've spent Monday and Tuesday nursing sore ankles and feet. When I went into BPRC I had always thought that I ran on the outside of my feet. IE, I underpronate. (If you don't know about pronation, you can read about it here. I was stunned when they told my I actually slightly over pronate. The pain I'm experiencing is directly related to being put into shoes that caused me to underpronate even more. The structure in my shoes forced me even further outside the "normal" range and put a LOT of stress on the outside of my ankles and feet. I've decided that my short 10 seconds on the treadmill in my work clothes just wasn't enough to get into a normal gait/stride.
This is not in any way a bash against BPRC - perfection in running is impossible. I would go back again and again. In fact - when I took the shoes back, Carl not only remembered me but was clearly upset that they didn't work out. I didn't go in there looking for a refund - just a pair of shoes that didn't make me want to second guess how badly I needed to pee because walking to the bathroom just seemed like torture.
I exchanged them for a snazzy new pair of Nike Air Pegasus + 30. I've been running in Pegasus for quite a while and haven't experienced this problem. I got the grey and orange ones - super cute and so comfy. I wore them to work today to continue to nurse my poor feet. I'm confident I'll be able to return to the gym tomorrow at full strength.
BPRC, Brooks, Marathonfoto nor Nike paid me a single penny to review them or provide feedback. Just more ramblings by yours truly.
RooSport Fitness and Travel Pouch - Review
So, last weekend I attended the health and fitness expo for the Goergia Marathon. Now, I've been to a lot of expos so there isn't a lot that makes me go "oh...I need this. Now." After getting my race packet we wondered around looking at the piles of shoes, shirts and various bumper stickers.
RooSport did not pay me any money or ask me to write this review. As usual, I offer my opinion free of charge (ha! I know some folks who would strongly agree to this happening often).
Publix Georgia Half Marathon !
I think she experienced an entire rang of emotions during this race. She went from "I can't do this" to "why am I doing this?" to "OMG I'm doing this!" to "OMG I just did that!" It was amazing. I am so proud of her.
The race, for me, wasn't about a time or running the whole thing. It was about being there for someone and truly giving them the ability to believe in themself. It was a blast being able to joke around, be wildly positive and pump nothing but positive energy into the air. We made friends along the way and chatted with all the people who were out there supporting us. I received complements from strangers about how much they appreciated my positive attitude. That meant the world to me.
I left that race with a new light inside of me. I remembered what running is about. It's about the journey and all that it can help you realize. Pushing limits and breaking your personal barriers.
The medal this year was pretty snazzy, too ;-)
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Gym Boss - Review
I have to say that I’m kinda addicted to them now. More often times than not I just pick a place on the gym floor and set up shop. I’ve made index cards with interval routines on them. Each exercise gets either 30 seconds or 1 minute. Each card contains about 5 exercises so that I can easily remember the order without having to reference the card after I complete each exercise. I have a whole stack of them and choose them at random when I get to the gym. I can say “tomorrow at the gym I’m going to do 45 min of intervals and then an hour yoga class.” So I still have my “plan” but the workout is always different.
I absolutely couldn’t do my intervals without my Gym Boss interval timer. Easily one of the best fitness purchases that I’ve made. I purchased the “mini” which, in my opinion, isn’t very mini but it easily clips to my pants, sports bra or you can purchase a wristlet that it will also clip to. You can program it however you like. I THINK it goes up to 3 intervals. I typically use it for 2 intervals, the timing differentiating depending on what I’m doing. (I don’t do the HIIT workouts. Way too nuts for me. I’ve tried and I just don’t like it. Go figure.)
For example, if I’m doing an ab circuit, I’ll do 30 seconds on and then 10 seconds off. Five rounds. This gets me through an entire ab circuit once. Much easier than trying to keep up with a timer. It can either beep, vibrate or both. It has a “loud” or “soft” setting. I typically just use the vibrate setting because the beep is kiiinda bonkers.
I also use it when I’m doing interval runs. Whether it be that I’m doing speed work or if I’m injecting walking into my run, the gym boss allows me to properly keep up with the intervals without having to pay attention to the time. It comes in a bunch of snazzy colors, too. We all know I’m a sucker for things that are cute AND helpful. I definitely suggest purchasing a gymboss for use during runs or intervals!
Gymboss hasn't sponsored me or paid me any money to review them. I think it's an awesome product and I think other's deserve to know :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Beauty: Define
Bing Dictionary
o beau•ty
o [ byóotee ] o
4. pleasing and impressive qualities of something: the combination of qualities that make something pleasing and impressive to look at, listen to, touch, smell, or taste
5. pleasing personal appearance: personal physical attractiveness, especially with regard to the use of cosmetics and other methods of enhancing it
6. beautiful woman: a beautiful woman or girl synonyms: loveliness • attractiveness • good looks • prettiness • exquisiteness
So, I put my exact title into Bing and this is what came up. Weird, isn’t it? To absolutely define what beauty is? What it looks like? What it feels like? ”Especially with regard to the use of cosmetics and other methods of enhancing it.” I don’t get it.
I’m going to be completely honest and say that when the yearly Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show comes on television, my stomach turns and I immediately have the urge to work out for hours…and hours… and hours. And I really can’t give you a great answer as to why. I don’t want to look like them – honestly, I think that they’re very thin and very hungry. But, I almost feel like I need to look like them. Embody that image of beauty. Silly, isn’t it? And I know I’m not the only one.
Men catch a lot of the flack for this. But – can we (women) really give them all the blame? Ask a man if he noticed his girlfriend lost 5 pounds and I am willing to guarantee that he will say no. Why? Because that typically just doesn’t matter to them. They don’t have the expectations that we have to look like those we see in ads and television. Just like we don’t have the expectation that they look like a GQ cover model.
As women, I feel like we are constantly in competition not only with ourselves but with each other. Constantly comparing and contrasting and trying to outdo one another. We are constantly wondering if our mate looked at that other woman and liked her hair/makeup/clothes/shape/weight/tan/whatever better. The question is why. I’m guilty. Constantly. A goal of mine is to stop this cycle within myself and to stop it when I hear my girlfriends share these same thoughts aloud. Comparing and contrasting is for fine wine, not for our bodies.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” Used by Nelson Mandela in his 1994 inaugural speech
Monday, March 17, 2014
4:30 Wake-Up Call Success !
As for today’s “plan” – it went well! I woke right up at 4:30, no snooze button needed. I was planning on running a 5k on the deathmill…but I left my headphones at a currently unidentified location. So, I hit the stair climber for a total of 45 minutes instead. That combined with 45 minutes of spin [20 mile ride! Woo!] (I’ll come back to this later), 100 squats and 100 crunches totals out to 803 calories burned before 7:15 this morning. WOO.
I also started back to My Fitness Pal today, also. When I did it, I noticed a difference. I hate it and it’s a pain in the butt. Yeah, that was said in a grumpy voice. But, all in the name of goals, right? Right. I ate m&m’s this morning. I didn’t cheat. I scanned them and added them in. They were super tasty and worth every bit of the 230 calories. You won’t find this girl counting to 100 to avoid a craving.
Okay, so back to spin. The instructor was a mega buff, super thin and pretty lady. She has two kids, the youngest is three. She really likes to compare her life to the rest of us. And by the rest of us I mean the people who don’t have the pleasure of not working and have all the time in the world to train. One of her kids is in elementary school and the other goes to an all-day pre k Monday-Friday. She doesn’t work. So she trains. ALL. THE. TIME. And she has the nerve to try to tell us (us being the people in the class who are up at the ass crack of dawn because it’s the only time we have to work out) that if we simply put in 2 hours before work and 2 hours after work every day, that we too could look like her. I’m all for people being proud of their accomplishments. She should be proud! She has a killer body that she obviously works hard for. But don’t rub it in people’s faces, especially when you’re set up to succeed and some of the others in the class may not be. It really made me angry. Just as a side note, she would also randomly say during the class “Can you feel the burn?!” – we just did a 3 minute, heavy load, seated hill climb…. WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK?! Rawr. I don’t deal well with this type of individual at 5am. I just don’t.
All in all today was a success! Granted, I’m not quite through the work day but I’ve got a feeling the rest of the day is going to be great.
What are your plans for St. Patrick’s day? What’s your goal for this week?
Sunday, March 16, 2014
The Weekend Used to be a Dream....
Friday, March 14, 2014
The Westview Track - Review
In my opinion it's a clear form of abuse. It wouldn't shock me to learn that in the author's life they depeict verbal abuse on people around them. To insult them in a manner that they know will strip them down to nothing, only to build them back up by telling them "you're awesome!" is an obvious form of abuse. It's a cycle - break you down then bring you back and keep you close by "building you back up again."
Humiliating someone is not an appropriate way to inspire. It's the core of what's wrong with our entire thought process on health and fitness. If this person, who clearly just wanted their blog to go viral, really wanted to inspire them - they would have gone up to them, gave them a huge high five and said "you're doing AWESOME!" They wouldn't have written such a tastless letter.
Someone wrote a response as if they were the person who they were speaking about. I felt it was incredible and very honest. Judging someone else's journey is tasteless. It doesn't make for good journalism and it sure as hell doesn't make you a good person.
So, my response to whomever wrote this letter initially - I hope you never have to face the humiliation and suffering that you put this one annoymous person through. I hope you see the error of your ways without having to learn the hard way. But, if the hard way is the only way - so be it.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
All The Exercise!
I found this article on about working out "smarter" and not "harder." I've been reading a lot about this. I do my best to switch up routines and incorporate different intervals into my work outs to avoid the plateau. But I wonder if there's a "best" way to do this? More weights and less cardio one week and then switch the next? Weights VS resistance bands? Treadmill VS elliptical? Don't read this blog if you're looking for the answer to all your burning athletic questions...I've got just as many as you. But, I've also been reading about exercise addiction. Did you know that it's considered an eating disorder just like anorexia? There are treatment centers for it and everything. I can see how addicting it can become and how it can become such a necessity in a person's life.
Speaking of exercise addiction...Taking the day off...not feeling great. Doing my best to "listen to my body" and rest up. I'll probably hit the gym for a bit in the morning for spin before work. Haven't been feeling like myself since the decision. Don't know if I'm depressed or if I've lost faith in myself. Pretty sure it's a good mixture of both. Allowing myself to mope for a little while. Moping includes eating what I want...which is totally counter productive but.. oh well. I suppose I'll cross the back on the horse bridge when I get to it.
To make that matter worse, it's going to rain all weekend. So much for a pretty, no pressure run this weekend. Bleh. But - for now I'll go soak in a bath and read Divergent on my Kindle.